RE: George Washington’s Farewell Address, Incorrect Date
Greetings Fellow-Citizens:
In the course of my ongoing research related to my George Washington Farewell Address Revivification & Preservation Project, it has just now come to my attention the the State Department has not been immune to the widespread problem of listing the incorrect date, September 17, which just so happens to be Constitution Day. That is understandable because, for just over 100 years, since the traditional reading on the floor of the U.S. Senate became an annual event, the version that the senators had been reading from contained more errors than just the date until I brought it to the attention of that body's historian.
Ironically, my review of the Congressional Globe and Record for readings prior to 1896 revealed that they had been using a correct version. In addition, The Evening Star --then the preeminent newspaper in the nation's capital-- on the day of the Centenary, reported the date as being the 19th. Any and all confusion between George Washington’s Farewell Address Day and Constitution Day should have been stopped dead in its tracks then and there.
For the State Department to have it wrong is an embarrassment! I can understand the Germans making the mistake --BUT AT LEAST THEY HAD IT TRANSLATED-- but our own department that represents our nation to the rest of the world? Really now! I know it may sound petty but, something as important as President Washington's final words to the American people and posterity should be absolutely perfect.
This recent finding reminded me of the need to have the Farewell Address of The Father of Our Country translated into as many languages as possible so that the people of other nations can read and appreciate the principles, vision, and greatness of Washington, THE MAN. The most briefest of readings will reveal that the conduct of "Washington," the U.S. Government "Establishment," differs dramatically from the directions left to US by His Excellency and has drifted far off course of our original path. (click here to review what U.S. Constitution Sesquicentennial Commission Director General, Sol Bloom had to say about the path!)
With that in mind, please consider this a formal request for the State Department to undertake such project as part of an enhanced online exhibit of the Farewell Address.
With that in mind, please consider this a formal request for the State Department to undertake such project as part of an enhanced online exhibit of the Farewell Address.
I am but an ordinary citizen who is deeply concerned for the future of his country and I do not expect my opinion to influence or carry much weight with anybody in the federal government. However, my research has uncovered the opinions of many who, without a doubt, should. They can be found by following this link. Please note that, unlike the event in 1862 when it was read before a Joint Session of Congress, my proposed event includes a recall of our own ambassadors to be present in the chamber as well as an invitation for foreign ambassadors to attend and participate in conferences and debates.
I will close with one of my favorite passages from the address;
The way I read it is that His Excellency said that if our leaders strictly adhere to The Constitution and maintain the highest level of integrity, other nations may wish follow if we lead-by-example rather than try to "teach democracy" by way of military occupation or monetary finagling -- senseless misadventures that all been doomed to failure. Besides it's not democracy -- it's republicanism! I trust you agree.
Thank you for your attention.
Thank you for your attention.
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